Water catchments in the Murray–Darling Basin

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Murray–Darling Basin -

Water information for

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About Paroo catchment

this is an image of the position of the catchment in the Murray–Darling Basin

About 2% of the total Murray–Darling Basin area.

About 1% contribution to Basin water.


Beechal Creek and Paroo River.

Major towns

Eulo, Hungerford.

First Nations

Bidjara, Budjiti, Gwamu/Kooma, Gunggari/Kungari, Kunja, Mandandanji, Mardigan and Murrawarri.

Water use

A large part of the local economy is driven by wool production and beef cattle. The Paroo catchment includes Lakes Numalla and Wyara which are Ramsar wetlands of international significance.

Water availability

Find out how much water is currently stored in the Paroo catchment. You’ll also find details on how much water is available, allocated and used for each category of use. For detailed volume for each major storage, weir and lock, see Storages if applicable.

River levels and water quality

You can find current and past river levels, flow rates and water quality information from gauges in:

Water allocations and trade

Subject to rules and conditions, trading is permitted for:

  • Unsupplemented surface water entitlements (allocations)
  • Groundwater entitlements and allocations
  • Water licences

Trading information

Trade rules in Queensland

More Northern Basin catchments

Related links